Thursday 10 April 2014

The Air We Breathe

The air is essential for our health. Of course if the air is not clean our health suffers a range of problems. More and more studies show that air pollution caused by industrial activities and traffic has a significant impact on the health of the population, especially those living in urban areas. We notice that lately more people suffer from allergies and severe respiratory problems such as asthma all of this being an effect of the air pollution. Year by ear in europe the air pollution has an important impact to the premature death of about 400,000 children. For those who live near of arreas affected by pollution the life expectancy is also reduced by 2-3 years.

What is the important cause of the air pollution?
Air pollution is caused by industry , transport, energy, agriculture , and for each of us. The European Union has made efforts to fight against this major problem but is not enough.

What can we do?
People looks that they don’t care about our mother earth. Yes, we realize that the industries are very difficult to change their path but we can make something regarding the transport, energy etc.  We can all try to give up a day's drive or give up 2 hours from our life and send emails with images, presentations and articles of the damage could pollution can have upon us. Start, educate your friends or your familie to recycle and reduce water consumption, for example!  Let’s take the transport example too and analyze it. If we alternate the car with the bike we will reduce pollution and also is a very healthy exercise for us.
Other thing is the air conditioning in the car, because it accelerates the fuel consumption anc CO2 emissioons in the air. The same problem you’ll find when we talk about heating your home. Heating oil produces more pollution than the gas heating. That must be a very important argument when we think about saving our planet. It is known from our grandparents that the wood fire is very beautiful and warmth…what we don’t know is that spreads air pollution in the air, outside our houses. If we could use this type of fire only with special occasions we will feel the difference in our forests.
It’s important if each person can give up on something for the good of the planet. 

If it’s only for a day this will mean a lot for the air we breath and for our future health.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

We love a colorful rose

The meaning of colors | Roses 

For centuries, flowers have helped people to express and convey thoughts and feelings, and their colors have played an important role in this. When we talk about lovers the roses have always been the most important flowers. Now that we can find them in a wide range of colors the roses are not intended only for lovers. It’s very common to offer a rose to a mother, a teacher or a friend. A thing that we don’t know is that when we pick a color our brain transmit a feeling to our eyes and we choose the color that reveals our emotions regarding the person we want to offer that color. 

Red Roses 
When we talk of romance and heart feelings the red rose has always an important part. Over the centuries, the red rose is what today means the strongest symbol of love. So, a red rose simply means love and absolutely love. 

Pink Roses 
When we think of happiness, joy, sweetness and innocence we imagine the color of pink. A pink rose represents the femininity and the elegance that only a woman can transmit. 

White Roses 
What color can emphasize more the purity, innocence and freedom? Yes, you thought well. The white rose is a symbol of innocence that was given to celebrate the arrival of a new born. Also is very common at the weddings. Because it represents purity and innocent love like the dress of a bride. 

Yellow Roses 
According to the language of flowers the yellow rose means jealousy but can be often offered with a message that says Thank you or Congratulations. Yellow roses always bring a smile on your face and it is always a pleasure to receive one from a close friend. 

There are more colours of roses like Orange Roses, Violet Roses, Black Roses, Blue roses but we had describe the mos common and most important colours that can transmit a real subconscious message.